Friday, September 30, 2011

The notch of smugglers

Smugglers notch resort, I have been going to smugglers notch for 12 years now. I have gone on more than 100 vacations in my 17 years and the one vacation that I look forward to every year is Smuggs.
The thing that I like about Smuggs is that the same group are people go up on the same week 95% of the time. When I first went to Smuggs it was a small resort with great things for little kids. They have camps for all ages until you are 18 and they also have a S.N.A.P program for children with special needs. There is so many activities for teenagers too. They have 4 large water slides, two swimming holes with trampolines in them, and a water balloon war station. if you kids are more of the social, relaxing type they have a game room and a teen alley. Teen alley is a building that only teens are allowed in. Teen alley has x-box, wii, computers, a pool table, ping pong table and even a dance floor for the night. Smugglers also has a community center which is very simmilar to teen alley but it is only for people living in the area of west hill.
(courtesy of destination360)
     Children can also stay heathy in smugglers because they have plenty of athetic vacilities. the volleyball courts, basketball courts and tennis courts are the popular spots to play, but if you kids are younger they have the funzone. The funzone makes the parents happy and the children even happier. In the funzone it is filled with inflattable obstacles for the kids to jump in, slide down and even race eachother in.
(courtesy of villa4vacation)
Smugglers notch is also a great winter vacation, i have been going to smugglers for 8 years now and this is where i learned to snowboard at. there are 3 main mountains that smugglers owns, there is madona, sterling and also morse mountain. morse mountain is for the little kids but sterling and madona are only for older experienced skiiers.
(courtesy of destination360)

Smugglers notch Vermont is a fantastic family resort. If you are interested in going here then definatley attend all the festivities that they offer like karoake night and nightspiker. Nightspiker is for kids and they paint themselves with blacklight paint to play volleyball at night with blacklights all around. if you are to go there in the winter and you don't know how to ski then a insist that you take lessons, it will be the best time of your life. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

California and it's glories

In the summer of 2005 my parents decided that our whole entire family of 8 and my uncle would be takin a two week trip to the wonderful state of California. On the day of our departure I was nervous and excited, we were sitting in Logan airport waiting for row 13 to be called for boarding, when we heard 13 all of my siblings went running to the gate and down the tunnel, everyone wanted the window seats. It was a six and a half hour flight into seattle, washington.

While in seattle my dad rented two cars and from there we went to visit my uncle sam who lives in Tacoma. After three days of catching up with the relatives we were off to the california coast. After 3 days of driving down route 101 and route 1 down the coastline we arrived at our first destination, San francisco. We stayed in san francisco for four days and while there we visited the huge fish market and the docks, sea lions were everywhere! The next stop we took was the redwood Forrest. This place was one of the most mind blowing places I will ever see! Trees were so enormous that there was even a tree the was cut so cars could drive through it!

When we left the redwood Forrest I was begging to go back the enitre time, but when we got to San Diego I had already forgotten the mesmerizing environment of the forrest. San Diego was also a wonderful time. It was the last few days of the trip and I wanted to stay there forever. Our flight was leaving out of San Diego but we decided to go a little more south to Tijuana, Mexico for a day. If you plan on goin to Tijuana, it is not a kid friendly place at all! My two younger sisters were petrified and crying the whole time we were there.

Well followers, this is the end of my first blog. To all of the readers who are really interested in doing something similar I would highly suggest going to the seattle needle, San francisco, laguna beach, the red wood Forrest and lastly San Diego. Tijuana on the other hand, if you are feeling really adventurous then go for it, otherwise, stay away from it!